Your Summit Cheat Sheet


What's next?

I want to make sure I make the best use of your time and to make sure you have fun!

Below are some recommendations to get you ready for your interview... 

1. Promote Your Work and Story

Help us share your story and work with as many people as possible by providing us with the following...

  • Your Bio. Who do you help? How do you help them? How are you different?

  • Your Headshot. Fun or formal works. Please share the largest and highest resolution files you have (original files work best).

  • Your Links. Send us links to your website, blog, social media profiles and anything else we can help promote.

  • Special Offer. If you happen to have a free giveaway or a special offer for our listeners, please let us know. We know they would deeply appreciate it!

All of this information can all be sent to me via my pre-interview form. 


2. Sound Your Best

If you've been interviewed before, you know there are a variety of tech glitches that can affect your audio quality. Here are some recommendations to sound your best . . .

Interviews are conducted using Zoom. Download the latest version of Zoom for the best audio quality.

  • If you have a microphone, please use it. You will sound far better than the built-in microphone on your laptop. At the very least, we recommend using your earbuds.

  • If you do not have a microphone, please download Zoom on your phone. The audio quality from your smartphone will be better due to your mouth's proximity to your phone's receiver. And this will prevent you from sounding like you live in a fishbowl ;-)

  • Find a quiet place. Noisy coffee shops don’t make an ideal location for podcast interviews (they also don’t always have the fastest Internet connections).

  • Turn off all notification sounds on your device. The sound of “bing, bing” going off during our interview might not seem like a big deal, but you’d be surprised how annoying listeners find it!

  • Close down all other programs.  To help Zoom function more efficiently, we recommend shutting down all of your other programs and apps.

3. Interview Format and Questions

Your interview will be 30 minutes to 45 minutes. I believe the best interviews are great conversations. At the same time, I also recognize our listeners are busy people craving actionable advice from you. To help balance both needs we have settled on the following format and questions...


Part 1: Your expertise. (25 - 30 minutes)

After a brief introduction, I'll start asking you questions about your topic.

Unless I've had too much coffee (which happens ;-), you'll likely do more of the talking. The interview format I use is called Question, Question, Comment.

I'll ask you a question. I'll then ask you a follow-up question about something you said. Then I'll add a comment if I feel like it will add to the conversation. 

It's a pretty natural back and forth. Rather than a game of 20 questions that take us a mile wide and an inch deep, my goal is to be present, be curious and pull out your best insights. 

Common questions include:

  • What is your chosen area of experience? What is your why?
  • What is your philosophy? (what is your personal take on the industry that you are in, any thoughts or commentary?)
  • How did you get to do what you do?
  • What support or resources have you turned to?

Part 2: The Key Questions (3-6 minutes)

I ask these two questions on every show:

  • Why did you get started in this type of work? What is your "WHY"?

  • What inspires you creatively? Where do you find this inspiration?

Part 3: Where can the audience find out more (1 -2 minutes)

This is your chance to share your website, book, course, social media, cause or and resource you would like people to check out. We'll also be sure to put this information in your speaker profile so people can easily find it.

4. Okay. So what are we trying to accomplish here?

Galiatea was founded with diversity, connection and social impact in mind: it provides interior designers and design conscious customers with made-to-order luxury handmade furniture and home decor made with sustainable materials by underrepresented artisans globally while paving the path to increased social consciousness.

We believe that design and art can dispel ignorance and stimulate economic growth. Our promise is to continually foster the creativity and innovation of the human spirit while inspiring the pursuit of protecting cultural heritage.

While staying true to our promise we want to highlight the variety of professionals in the design world.

Our goal through the summit is:

  • To inspire our audience to see how important and impactful having an optimized space is for all areas of their life
  • The importance of the provenance and meaning of the objects that make up their space
  • Have them discover that not only do they have relationships with others but also with their space.
  • Sharing practical applications to implement good design and mindful living practices.
  • How their space can impact them to thrive mentally, physically and financially.

We would love for our conversation to serve the purpose outlined above, so our questions will be relating to these areas.

We are so excited for you to be a speaker at our summit and we hope you have fun in the process!